about the girl

the girl is courtney. she is saved by grace. and this brings her much joy. she loves to dress up. especially if dressing up involves wearing glitter in any form. she loves to twirl (duh). she loves anything caffeinated and would prefer to have a conversation over a cup of such. she loves children, running, breakfasts, crafting, worshipping, fashion, interior design, cooking, baking, and deep conversations. she wishes she could have a career that involves every single one of these things...simultaneously....but she is pretty sure the Lord is preparing such a career for her to have in heaven one day. she hopes to reflect Jesus and bring Him glory in everything she does.

the girl is married to the boy she adores, brian. he loves to teach the Word of God. he is a planner, a processor, and a thinker. he has a passion for the kingdom of God and for the girl he loves. his tender-heartedness can make the girl melt in an instant.

it's nice to meet you. 

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