"i knew you were trouble when you walked in..." yes, this is a song i frequently sing to my little guy. the other day i turned around and he was on top of our coat hanger... i scolded, "Gunther get down! but not until i get a picture!" he got down alright, but only because it toppled over from all his squirming :) oh how i love this kitty!
dress up & twirl
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
must reads.
stir your brain. think. contemplate. enjoy these reads today!
- Darling Magazine: Reclaiming Delight
- Growing Up With Two Moms: The Untold Children’s View
- The Gay Community and That One Time Jesus Called Me the ‘N-word’
- Water For Camels
Tuesday, April 2, 2013
strawberry cupcakes with lime buttercream frosting.
happy tuesday, lovelies! here is the recipe i promised. i made these cupcakes for Easter Sunday... the strawberry and lime flavors are perfect for welcoming in spring (btw spring, where are you? winter has overstayed his welcome). this recipe is very simple.
i made the frosting first so i could refrigerate it while preparing the cupcakes. i think cold icing is easier to manipulate onto the cupcakes.
lime buttercream frosting:
beat the cream cheese and butter together until mixed. add the lime juice. gradually add the confectioners sugar, about one cup at a time, waiting to add the next cup until mixed. add the almond extract. once frosting is smooth and creamy, put in fridge to chill.
strawberry cupcakes:
(makes 24)
preheat oven to 350 degrees. combine cake mix, jello mix, and oil into mixer and beat. gradually add the eggs, one at a time. add diced strawberries. once mix is completely smooth with no bumps (and a pretty pink color), add your mixture to some pretty cupcake liners and bake for 18-22 minutes. once cupcakes are baked and completely cool, add your frosting.
i made the frosting first so i could refrigerate it while preparing the cupcakes. i think cold icing is easier to manipulate onto the cupcakes.
lime buttercream frosting:
- 1 package of cream cheese
- 1 stick of butter
- 3 tbsp of lime juice
- 4 cups of confectioners sugar
- 1 tsp of almond extract
beat the cream cheese and butter together until mixed. add the lime juice. gradually add the confectioners sugar, about one cup at a time, waiting to add the next cup until mixed. add the almond extract. once frosting is smooth and creamy, put in fridge to chill.
strawberry cupcakes:
(makes 24)
- 1 box of white Duncan Hines cake mix
- 1 box of strawberry Jello mixture
- 3 large eggs
- 1/2 cup of oil
- 1/2 cup of diced fresh strawberries
preheat oven to 350 degrees. combine cake mix, jello mix, and oil into mixer and beat. gradually add the eggs, one at a time. add diced strawberries. once mix is completely smooth with no bumps (and a pretty pink color), add your mixture to some pretty cupcake liners and bake for 18-22 minutes. once cupcakes are baked and completely cool, add your frosting.
{yes, i did in fact eat one for breakfast this morning. in the words of kate spade and her merchandise, "eat cake for breakfast." i happen to like this motto very much.}
have a beautiful tuesday!
Monday, April 1, 2013
Easter Sunday.
I hope everyone had a beautiful Easter Sunday! We had a quiet, intimate day, just the two of us (or "three" if we're including the kitty). We started the morning off at church and came home to do our Easter basket hunt. Every year we hide Easter baskets filled with candy for one another and every year it takes me forever to find mine, while that boo of mine finds his right away. Well this year we are living in a much smaller space, so finding creative hiding spots was much more challenging. And I am proud to say that for the first time, this lady right here found her basket first!
The Easter Bunny even brought something for our little Gunther! I wasn't sure if Gunther would be too interested in the things in his basket (let's face it, giving him a basket was more for our benefit and entertainment), but he really was! He spent a good while playing with a new toy and eating kitty treats :)
I decided to splurge on an unhealthy dinner, being a holiday worthy of celebration and all ;) Lately we've been pretty strict with our diets throughout the week, eating plain chicken breasts and plain sautéed veggies...no butters, cheeses, salts, or desserts. But for Easter, I made chicken cordon bleu, creamy corn, and other fresh veggies, with berry cobbler, and strawberry lemonade cupcakes with lime buttercream frosting (recipe to come).
We have lots of leftovers, not to mention all of our Easter candy, so it may be awhile before the diet resumes ;) We are so blessed with all we have, but most of all for the life we have in Christ. His resurrection is the basis for how all believers ought to live out their lives.
Happy Easter!!
Saturday, March 23, 2013
surprise girls night.
so... i took an unplanned break from the blogging world for a couple weeks... the internet in our apartment was out and reading blogs is just not as convenient from my phone. so i feel like i've been out of touch for awhile! anyway, thankful to have our internet up and running again!
last night i was "kidnapped" by a good friend and taken to our friend, d's house. i was all ready to "go see a play" with brian, when my friend andrea showed up and said i was coming with her. she drove me to d's house where a few other friends were waiting with a great homemade meal and banana split cake. our friends are so sweet and planned this fun night to celebrate andrea and i's birthdays.
last night i was "kidnapped" by a good friend and taken to our friend, d's house. i was all ready to "go see a play" with brian, when my friend andrea showed up and said i was coming with her. she drove me to d's house where a few other friends were waiting with a great homemade meal and banana split cake. our friends are so sweet and planned this fun night to celebrate andrea and i's birthdays.
after we ate our delicious meal, d told us that we were heading to the toledo museum of art. the museum itself was beautiful and it felt like we were the only ones there... and that was pretty much how we acted ;)
the 19th century french section was my favorite section by far. there is so much romance in those paintings!
there's a section right across from the museum itself thats a glass pavilion and specializes in glass art. check out this dress made entirely of glass!
we also got to watch a tutorial on making glass art, which was pretty fascinating!
we had a great time and i cannot wait to take brian to this museum one night for a fun date.
the art museum was also on the list of things to do in toledo, in the sweet scrapbook that d made for me. it was great being able to check another item off the list! thankful for these ladies who have shown me so much love.
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
SYMC 2013.
This past weekend Brian and I went to the Simply Youth Ministry Conference in Indianapolis. It was an amazing weekend of workshops, classes, peer panels, amazing speakers, and worship. It was cool to be around so many great authors and leaders in youth ministry.
Worship was led by Shane and Shane, Lecrae, and my personal favorite, All Sons and Daughters. Did I wait outside the doors for an hour so I could get a good seat? Maybe. Did I practically run over people to get to the front? Maybe. But it paid off... we were four rows from the stage when All Sons and Daughters played. It was such an awesome time of worship and refueling.
The next morning, Leslie Jordan, the female singer, got in the elevator with Brian and me and we got to talk to her for a brief minute. I was all Kristen Wiig on the inside, but tried my best to play it cool on the outside.
My mouth: Yeah, I like your music.
I'm already looking forward to next year. While we had the perfect time, I missed my little lion cub... my mom was gracious to watch him for the weekend, but I was so excited to see him after four days and take him home :)
If you work in youth ministry as a pastor, volunteer, or mentor, I highly recommend SYMC. Next year's conference will be in Columbus, Ohio!
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
Liebster Blog Award.
Hi friends! My new friend Jessi at Flawless nominated me for the Liebster Blog award. Thank you so much, Jessi! Scroll down to check it out.
Okay, so eleven things about me...
1. My favorite meal in the entire world is Butternut Squash ravioli. There's an adorable place back home in Mason, Ohio, called Wildflower Cafe that makes it the best, sprinkled with goat cheese and everything. They only make it in the Fall, so it's definitely a treat.
2. I am also obsessed with breakfast foods- french toast, waffles, omelets, the whole she-bang.
3. I am married to a youth pastor and love working with younger girls.
4. I adore my orange tabby named Gunther.
5. I love learning about the intimate/Romantic heart of God and how He individually loves and woos each one of us.
6. I love to craft and create things and wish I had more time to do it! My favorite project I have done so far is definitely my "tea party lamp!"
7. I am currently a substitute teacher for elementary students. I am praying that this will lead to a full-time position soon!
8. I prefer smaller groups to larger groups.
9. My husband proposed to me with the game "Pretty Pretty Princess." He is the sweetest!

10. Self proclaimed fashionista right here- I love glitter, dresses, and pattern mixing and would love to contribute to a fashion blog one day.
11. I've seen every episode of Friends at least six times and still laugh every single time I watch them.
The Liebster Blog Award rules (I'm not the best rule follower and bent the rules a little):
- Each person tagged must share eleven things about themselves.
- They must answer the eleven questions the tagger has made for them.
They must then choose eleven fellow blogs to nominate. The nominees must have under 200 GFC (Google Friend Connect) followers and be told in a comment on their blog.Choose as many or as little as you want.- Lastly they must then think of eleven questions to ask the bloggers they have decided to nominate.
Okay, so eleven things about me...
1. My favorite meal in the entire world is Butternut Squash ravioli. There's an adorable place back home in Mason, Ohio, called Wildflower Cafe that makes it the best, sprinkled with goat cheese and everything. They only make it in the Fall, so it's definitely a treat.
2. I am also obsessed with breakfast foods- french toast, waffles, omelets, the whole she-bang.
3. I am married to a youth pastor and love working with younger girls.
4. I adore my orange tabby named Gunther.
5. I love learning about the intimate/Romantic heart of God and how He individually loves and woos each one of us.
6. I love to craft and create things and wish I had more time to do it! My favorite project I have done so far is definitely my "tea party lamp!"
7. I am currently a substitute teacher for elementary students. I am praying that this will lead to a full-time position soon!
8. I prefer smaller groups to larger groups.
9. My husband proposed to me with the game "Pretty Pretty Princess." He is the sweetest!
10. Self proclaimed fashionista right here- I love glitter, dresses, and pattern mixing and would love to contribute to a fashion blog one day.
11. I've seen every episode of Friends at least six times and still laugh every single time I watch them.
Here are the questions Jessi tagged me for:
1. Who is one person you really miss right now?
Oh goodness, I have to pick just one?! Can I say my college roomies? That's two. There was never a dull moment with them. Good times.
2. What is the weirdest meat you have ever eaten?
Unfortunately, I haven't been too adventurous in the meat department, but I did eat squid once, without knowing I was actually eating squid :P ....other than that, maybe different types of sushi that I've tried?
3. Do you have any nervous habits?
I crack basically every joint in my body...but I do this all the time, not just when I'm nervous :)
4. What can always make your day?
Going out for a fantastic breakfast-- or having a really great one made for me...especially in bed :)
5. What is your favorite sport to watch?
College basketball- UK Wildcats!
6. What is your favorite mode of transportation?
I don't get to fly very often, but I enjoy it a lot... I also love riding bikes!
7. What is your favorite day of the week and why?
Friday-it's the start of the weekend and my husband and I's date night. Although I recently discovered $5 Tuesdays at our movie theatre, so Tuesday comes to a close second :)
8. What do you like on your burger?
Pepperjack cheese, tomato, and ketchup. Sometimes guacamole.
9. What is your favorite grocery store?
Whole Foods Market.
10. What is your favorite season and why?
Summer-I'm a huge fan of sundresses, tans, ice cream, late night summer walks, the beach, and swimming. I also love the long hours of sunlight and hello-teachers get summers off!
11. Nerds or Jocks?
I'd probably have to say Jocks since that most describes my husband...although in my opinion, he's kind of a secret nerd, in his own way. It's pretty adorable :)
I nominate:
Melissa from On Bruised Knees
Ellie at Letters + Light
Allie from Allie in Oz
Shana at Colorblind
Hannah at Hannahloveyoon
Natalie at Heart Stirrings
Katie at Hope Engaged
Allison from Nestful of Love
Brhea from No Place Lyke Home
Eimile from Reflect
Barbie at The Parlor Girl
Deanna at Spotlight 316
Hillary at Runner Girl for Jesus
And, here are my questions :)
1. Describe your perfect hot drink. You have a warm mug of something... what's in it?
2. What are your morning rituals?
3. If you could only wear one color for the rest of your life, which color would you choose?
4. What have you secretly believed you'd be really good at if you were given the chance?
5. What one thing bothers you most about the world?
6. Facebook or twitter?
7. Describe your perfect Saturday.
8. What is one habit you are trying to change?
9. What is one of your God-given gifts?
10. Polka dots, stripes, floral, or leopard-choose one and tell me why.
If you choose to post, I'd love a link in the comments box so I can see :) Have a great day loves!
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